Tips For Parents To Help Choose the Best and Safest Child Care Facility

Parents throughout Arizona who want the best in childcare for their offspring when they are at work should use the following guidelines to rate the quality of any daycare center or child-care center they are considering. Don’t make a decision about committing your child’s care to any childcare center in Tempe facility until you are given a personal tour that can serve as an important fact-finding mission.

* How Safe and Secure is the Building and the Location?

Does the facility seem to be well maintained? What security systems are in place so that only authorized personnel is given access to the children and what systems are in place to secure that only a parent or authorized guardian is able to pick up a child at day’s end?

* How Clean is the Facility?

Pay attention to the cleanliness of the walls, floors and play areas that the children use. It’s important to also notice the cleanliness of the meal service area as well as the restrooms. Notice if the staff encourages children to wash their hands before and after consuming food as well as after using the restroom.

* What is the General Attitude of the Staff?

How do staff members interact with the children under their care? Are they seated on the floor for healthy one-on-one interaction with each child and are children allowed some appropriate physical contact such as sitting on laps, brief hugs or holding hands?

* What Type of Play Materials are Provided?

It’s a good sign if the play area is well stocked with books, puzzles, building blocks and other games that provide dynamic stimulation for the children. Does the facility offer safe equipment and enough space, indoors or in a fenced outdoor area, for such activities as throwing balls, running and climbing?

* What are Staff Qualifications?

The best child care facilities insist on hiring staff that has specialized training in child development. Ask if there are daily schedules or lesson plans that can be shared with parents on a regular basis.

* What is the Child-Staff Ratio?

Staff turnover rates at the best facilities are less than 33 percent annually. And there should be at least one staff member always present for every ten preschoolers on site.

* Is the Facility Licensed?

Ask for references and check the licensing and accreditation of any child care facility under consideration.

* How Does the Facility Communicate with Parents?

The best child care facility guarantees clear and consistent communication between parents and staff members. Find out if the facility provides parents with a written handbook of rules and policies.

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Bargain Books 4 Kids is a new business (September 2007) run by a busy mum working from home. Passionate about books and their benefit to children we specialize in books for 0 – 11 years.

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